Monday, February 4, 2008

second posting?

Hello i am a weird, sad and a little crazy 12 year who likes eating curry!I was born on vthe 23rd of march 1996.A few months later I could say my first word which sounded sopmething like spit!When i was 5 ,i pushed a guy off a tricycle because he did not want to share .When i was 6 i had to go to the hospital as i had a major fever!When i was p1 i cried because i only got 89 out of 100 for my maths exam(i scored well for English and chinese)!When i was p2 i cried when i got bashed up by my younger brother(he was lethal with a walking stick)When i was in p3 i got bashed up by my brother(again) and i did not know how to devide till my weird friend told me how to!when i was in p4 i studied hard and got into the best class.But when i was in p5 my standerd started to play my nintendo dsit was somewhere in june).half of a years effort had gone to waste when i did not make it into the best class!!!!!!!!!Now im in p6 and im a sad sod and im preparing for the psle to get into acs and restore my former glory!!!!


obi 1+2 said...

you rock, man

n3RdG0d said...

why go acs? i want to go to nus high. hopefully mrs yit will give them good stuffs about me.

~~Brendan Wong~~ said...

Ello~ Brendan Wong here... Check out my blog...